Insufficiencies of Discursive Ethics as an Integrating Philosophical Framework for Neuroethics in Adela Cortina's proposal. A Complementation From Gianfranco Basti's Dual Theory


  • Cristopher Mendoza Soto Autor



Monism, Dualism, Dual Theory, Metalanguage, Integrative Framework


Neuroethics offers data relevant to the biological understanding of moral agency. Given the empirical-naturalistic and fragmentary nature of these data, a reception framework that integrates these discoveries becomes necessary. Adela Cortina has proposed the Ethics of Discourse as an adequate integrating framework, however, here we show that it is an insufficient proposal. Firstly, because there is no a systematic integration between the integrating philosophical framework and the neuroethical data, but a mere juxtaposition. Secondly, because neither an ontology nor an anthropology is offered on which the so-called neuroethics is based. To face these insufficiencies, the so-called Dual Theory is exposed. The relevance of this theory lies in the fact that it implies an intentional theory of cognition, as well as in that it starts from the distinction between information (ordering or form) and energy (matter), thus avoiding any possible reductionism. We'll conclude that Adela Cortina's proposal is insufficient, that we can get closer to sufficiency by filling in the missing theoretical gaps, and that the Dual Theory covers these gaps, which brings us a little closer to sufficiency in this search for an integrating framework.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Soto, C. (2022). Insufficiencies of Discursive Ethics as an Integrating Philosophical Framework for Neuroethics in Adela Cortina’s proposal. A Complementation From Gianfranco Basti’s Dual Theory. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (21), 22–38.


