Does denying an ethics of fundamentals imply sustaining an arbitrary ethics? Criticism of Zavadivker's characterization of Bunge's ethical theory




Mario Bunge, ethic, metaethics, non-foundationist ethics, non-objectivist moral cognitivism


In his book An Ethics without Foundations, Nicolás Zavadivker argues that Mario Bunge’s ethical and metaethical theory pretends to base moral norms on factual premises, without making use of values. This paper disputes that thesis and argues that Bunge’s theory seeks to construct and evaluate a system of values and norms, rigorously and without arbitrariness, on the basis of factual knowledge and values of evaluators. Since Bunge’s theory includes values among its argumentative premises, it is incorrect to categorize it as a foundationalist position that dispenses with values.

Author Biographies

Óscar Frederic Teixidó Durán, Universitat de Lleida

I have a degree in Food Science & Technology (UdL, ETSEA) and I'm studying now for a master's degree in Integrated Crop Protection, with interests in Vegetal Biotechnology & Metodology; and a strong passion for Philosophy (a Scientific Philosophy). Specifically, in Ethics, General Philosophy and Epistemology. Agrobioethics research.

Current work on Axiology (objectivity of values) & Philosophy of Science (realism in scientific activity). 

Gerardo Primero

Graduado en Psicología, terapeuta Cognitivo-Conductual, investigador en Análisis Conductual, docente de Psicología General y de Acompañamiento Terapéutico, con Maestría en Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia (UNTREF) y Miembro de Programa PUNQ del Instituto de Estudios Sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología (IESCT-UNQ).


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How to Cite

Teixidó Durán, Óscar F., & Primero, G. (2023). Does denying an ethics of fundamentals imply sustaining an arbitrary ethics? Criticism of Zavadivker’s characterization of Bunge’s ethical theory. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (23), 17–43.


