En búsqueda del sentido perdido desde la resistencia y la gratitud. Entrevista a Jesús Ballesteros Llompart, Catedrático Emérito de Filosofía del Derecho (Universidad de Valencia, España)





transhumanismo, posthumanismo, crisis de valores, posverdad, humanismo


In this interview, Jesús Ballesteros discusses transhumanism and posthumanism, analysing technological advances and their ethical implications. He also reflects on the crisis of the humanities in postmodern society and advocates their revitalisation. Ballesteros stresses the need to question the foundations of postmodernity and promote universal values based on human dignity. In short, the interview offers a concise overview of these key issues, inviting reflection on the impact of technology on human society and the importance of preserving the values of humanism in our contemporary society.



How to Cite

Marcone Lo Presti, R. (2024). En búsqueda del sentido perdido desde la resistencia y la gratitud. Entrevista a Jesús Ballesteros Llompart, Catedrático Emérito de Filosofía del Derecho (Universidad de Valencia, España). OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (24), 176–189. https://doi.org/10.1344/oximora.24.2024.43195