Perception of Technology as an Assessment Tool. A Comparative Analysis from the Learners Perspective




ICT, Higher education, User perceptions, assessment


The current technological reality is unquestionably changing our lives and consequently, having some effects in the educational field; specifically on higher education. Therefore, the objective of this work is to know the perception of Ibero-American students from Higher Education regarding to technology as a tool to evaluate their learning. The sample group is made up by 122 people studying at the Education School in Técnica del Norte University (Ecuador) and at the Teacher Training School in the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) who, throughout their educational trajectory, have been assessed at some point through technology. It is a quantitative study that applies the questionnaire as an instrument for data collection. The data analysis shows different perceptions, both in terms of contexts and experience itself, which allows us to identify those elements and factors that are influencing on the added value to technology as a resource for evaluation.

Author Biographies

MCarmen Sarceda-Gorgoso, University of Santiago de Compostela

PhD in pedagogy. University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Secretary of the Department of pedagogy and didactics. Faculty of teacher training. Lines of research: Teacher training, Practicum, and Vocational Training, particularly training in the educational system, which entails different publications.

Mari-Carmen Caldeiro-Pedreira, University of Santiago de Compostela

PhD in Communication and Education, teacher at University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Teacher at different Spanish universities and teacher at Latin American universities (Chile and Ecuador). Researcher at Center for Higher Education Studies (Czech Republic). She is also member of advisory board and scientific reviewer to national and international magazines

Sandra Guevara-Betancourt, Técnica del Norte University, Ibarra - Ecuador.

Master in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Greensboro College - North Carolina – USA. Teaching Licence to teach Spanish granted by The Bureau of Education in Virginia. – USA. International Teaching Certificate TKT, International Certificate TOEFL. Bacherlor’s Degree Majored in Educational Sciences: Languages Teaching: English, French and Spanish at Pontificia Universidad Católica in Ecuador. Research Professor at Tecnica del Norte University, field of interest Methodology and Pedagogy, Languages teaching-learning process, Language and Communication, ICT implementation in the teaching-learning process: Reading, Writing, and Speaking Fluency. Professor at Education School FECYT in Técnica del Norte University, Ibarra - Ecuador.


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