Françoise Collin, the labor of thought


  • Mara Montanaro Università del Salento i de l’Université Descartes (Paris 5)


feminism, thought, permanent revolution, dialogue


The aim of this text is to briefly reconstruct Françoise Collin’s intellectual trajectory in literature, philosophy, and feminism. The notion of praxis can be read as the category that guides her work, and it draws attention to her originality as well as the structural, non-dialectical coherence of her thought: praxis of writing (Blanchot), praxis in the political (Arendt), praxis in feminism, the relationship between theory and action.

How to Cite

Montanaro, M. 2013. Françoise Collin, the labor of thought. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 19 (Nov. 2013), 105–120.