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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been published before and it has not been simultaneously sent to another journal (in which case, there an explanation will appear in “Comments to the Editor.”)

  • Submission file formats: Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect.

  • Format guidelines: Arial, 12pt, single spacing, no tabs, top and bottom margins at 2.5cm, left and right at 3 cm. All images, figures and tables should be inserted in their intended place and not at the end of the text.

  • The text fulfills the required style and bibliographical format established in “Guidelines for authors.”


  • Whenever appropriate, it is provided information on whether the research data takes into consideration sex, with the aim of allowing the identification of possible differences.

Author Guidelines

Texts may be submitted to the sections “Monographic”, "Miscellaneous" and "Reviews". Texts adhere to the Universitat de Barcelona's style guide (

Any researcher willing to send an original piece or work for its evaluation and subsequent publication must consider the criteria given in the style-sheet.

Authors are kindly asked to follow these regulations. If not, the Editorial Board may leave the paper out of the selection process.

1] General matters

- Papers must be original pieces of work and have never been published before. The work must be at least 75% research based and contain a minimum of 40% original content.

- Authors must include their full name and affiliation.

- Papers can be written in Catalan, Spanish, Galician, Basque, English, French, Italian, and Portuguese.

- The minimum lenght is 8 pages and the maximum 15, and will include an 8-10 lines summary at the beginning, both in the language of the article and in English. Keywords should also be included in those two languages.

2] General formatting information

- Format: the text should be written in 12 point Arial. All text should be single spaced with no tabs. The left and right margins should be set at 3 centimetres. The top and bottom margins should be 2.5 centimetres.

- The title should be centred at the top of the first page, 14 point, boldface type. On the following line, right-justified, should be the name of the author. Below that, the author’s university affiliation should be placed.
- Summary: his should be placed before the body of the text, below the title, and should be justified. The terms “summary” and “keywords” should be highlighted in boldface. The rest of the summary should be formatted in the same way as the body of the text. There should be no more than six keywords and these should appear below the summary, separated by a vertical bar with a space on either side. An example is shown below:
Summary || This paper sets out the possibility of using the tale of the migrating journey as an object of study
Keywords || Comparative Literature | Migration | Comparative Literature

- If necessary, the body of the text should be divided into numbered section headings, using Arabic numerals, starting with 0 (followed by a period and one space) for the introduction. The subsection headings will be numbered accordingly. All section and subsection headings should be left-justified (no tabs), in boldface, 12 point, have no final period, and be separated by one blank line. Example:
0. Introduction
1. History of the text
1.1 Manuscripts

- Within the body of the text, paragraphs should be separated by a blank line.

3] Graphic elements
- Images appearing in the text should be inserted using the specific tool provided by the word processing application. They should be in jpg format. They should be outside the body of the text and centred. The label should be in 10 point Arial, and centred below the image.

4] Notes, quotations and parenthetical references
- Notes should be included at the end of the article. They should be in 10 point Arial font and single spaced. The cross-reference should be placed after the word and before any punctuation marks by means of superscripted Arabic numerals. Notes must not refer to bibliographical references.

- Short quotations should be included within the text between double quotation marks (“”). Long quotations (more than three lines) should be set in a new paragraph, in 10 point Arial font, indented by 1.5 centimetres and single spaced. There should be a blank line before and after the quote. Intentional ellipsis within quotations should be marked by three dots in square brackets: […]

- Parenthetical references within the text should follow the author-year system, indicating, in brackets, the author’s last name followed by a comma, the year of publication of the work cited, a colon and a space, then the page number. Example: (Ostrom, 1948: 452).

- References to an entire work should omit the page number. Example: (Ostrom, 1948).

- If the author has published more than one work in the same year, letters in italics should be added: (Ostrom, 1948a; 1948b).

- If the same work is referred to on many occasions, the author’s name can be left out, provided there is no ambiguity. Example: (1948: 452).

- The references page should be included after the endnotes, in 11 point font, and works should be listed in alphabetical order following the system described below:

Books: surname of the author in capital letters, followed by the initial of the first name, year of publication in brackets, title of the publication in italics, place of publication, publishing house and volume (if any) in Roman numerals.

· If there are two or more authors, heir names should be separated by a semicolon and the final author’s name preceded by “and”; if the number of authors is excessive, the name of the first author plus the formula “et al." in italics can be used.

· If a compilation based on several collaborations is referred to, “various authors” will be used, including, after the title, the name of the work’s compiler or editor.


CHARNON-DEUTSCH, L. (1990): Gender and Representation: Women in Spanish Realist Fiction, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
HUMBLE, N. and REYNOLDS, V. (1993): Victorian Heroines: Representations of Femininity in Nineteenth Century Culture and Art, New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Various authors (2007): The Making of the Modern Body: Sexuality and Society in the Nineteenth Century, Gallagher, C. and Laqueur, T. (eds.), Berkeley: University of California Press.

Chapters in a book, parts of monographs and collaborations: surname of the cited author in capital letters, followed by the initial of the first name; year of publication, title of the collaboration or article, within double quotation marks, followed by "in"; surname and initial of the first name of the author/editor/compiler of the major work; title of the work, in italics; place of publication, publishing house, volume (if any) in Roman numerals and referenced pages. Examples:

KIRKPATRICK, S. (1995): «Gender and Difference in Fin de siglo Literary Discourse», in Colmeiro, J., et al. (eds.), Spain Today: Essays on Literature, Culture, Society, Hanover: Darthmouth College, 95-101.

SCHIEBINGER, L. (1987): «Skeletons in the closet: The First Illustrations of the Female Skeleton in Eighteenth-Century Anatomy», in Gallagher, C. and Laqueur, T. (eds.), The Making of the Modern Body: Sexuality and Society in the Nineteenth Century, Berkeley: University of California Press, 42-82.

Journal articles: surname of the cited author in capital letters, followed by the initial of the first name; year of publication in brackets, title of the article within double quotation marks; title of the publication in italics, volume, issue, and referenced pages. Examples:

EWALD, L. (2008): «Confinement, consolation, and confession in Galdós’s La desheredada», Hispanic Review, 76, vol. IV, 361-186.

OLSON, S. R. (1987): «Meta-television: Popular Postmodernism», Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 4, 284-300.

Electronic documents: surname of the cited author in capital letters, followed by the initial of the first name; title of the document within double quotation marks, name of the site, page numbers (if any), <url address> and date of consultation in square brackets [DD/MM/YYYY]. Example:

BAUDRILLARD, J. «Fotografía o la escritura de la luz», Gato-Parlante, <>, [03/20/2009].

If there are several works by the same author are cited, each will be listed separately in chronological order, starting with the oldest publication. Example:

BHABHA, H. (1990): Nation and Narration, London & New York: Routledge.

BHABHA, H. (2004): The Location of Culture, London & New York: Routledge.

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