A Lorca-bot in New York: Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Federico García Lorca’s Poetry and Figure



Digital literature, García Lorca, Poet in New York, Artificial intelligence, Gustavo Romano


Until today we do not have a voice record that could get us closer to the figure of Federico García Lorca. But what would happen if that voice could appear and revive the poet through the digital? The present study aims to generate a poetic comparison, in terms of form and content, between the poem “New York (Office and Denunciation)” by García Lorca and the one recited and remediated by the project IP poetry (2008). The research discusses the implications, for both the poetry and the figure of Lorca, of an artificial intelligence emulating his lyrical forms and his physical presence in front of a contemporary spectator-reader.

Author Biography

María del Mar Rodríguez Zárate, Universidad de Monterrey Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Originaria de Saltillo, Coahuila, México, María del Mar Rodríguez Zárate es graduada de la Licenciatura en Letras en la Universidad de Monterrey. Dentro de sus áreas de interés se destacan la literatura, el arte y la estética. En el 2016 publica un artículo en la revista grama 22º (donde funge como colaborador desde el núm. 23) y participa en la ceremonia de develación de placa del Premio Alfonso Reyes en honor a Sergio Pitol (Mayo 2016). En 2018 elabora un proyecto de tesis sobre Federico Garcia Lorca y publica en Alpha 46º, La Colmena 99º y Poligramas 47º. Recientemente cursa el Magíster en Letras con mención en Literatura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Zárate, M. del M. (2020). A Lorca-bot in New York: Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Federico García Lorca’s Poetry and Figure. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (22), 134–151. Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/452f/article/view/28830