The Space Between Waiting and Urgency. Reflections on Critical Writing in Times of Disaster, based on Lo viral, by Jorge Carrión, and Lo que no vemos, lo que el arte ve, by Graciela Speranza




Critical writing, Urgency , Temporality, Crisis, Post-pandemic, Hermeneutic extractivism


The aim of this article is to propose a reflection on the different modalities of critical writing in relation to our post-pandemic contemporaneity, marked by an unprecedented global ecological crisis. We intend to characterise and contrast, in critical writing, two specific timelines, one that favours an urgent response to the crisis, and the other that opts for a slower timeframe, and delays in paying attention to the singularity of the works analysed. This characterisation is put to the test in the commentary on the recent critical essays Lo viral, by Jorge Carrión (in which the first school prevails) and Lo que no vemos, lo que el arte ve, by Graciela Speranza (in which, we argue, the second prevails).

Author Biography

Diego Peller, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctor en Letras. Profesor de Teoría Literaria en el Departamento de Letras Modernas de la UBA



How to Cite

Peller, D. (2023). The Space Between Waiting and Urgency. Reflections on Critical Writing in Times of Disaster, based on Lo viral, by Jorge Carrión, and Lo que no vemos, lo que el arte ve, by Graciela Speranza. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (29), 91–106.