Anti-Black Racism in Latin America


  • Esther Pineda G Universidad Central de Venezuela



Colonization, Slavery, Racism, Blacks, Afro-descendants, Latin America


This article address the racialization phenomenon of the African population and their descendants, born in America from a socio-historical perspective; including: their kidnapping, transfer and slavery in the American continent during the colonial period. Also the article address the construction of imaginaries and narratives that allowed their exploitation, favored rejection and resistance to the abolition of slavery, and excluded the black population from the process of construction of the emerging Latin American Nation-States. The research investigates the role of Latin American blacks in the independence processes and problematizes the phenomenon of structural racism from a critical sociological perspective, as a factor for the physical and symbolic annihilation of the black and Afro-descendant population in the past and in Latin America today.

Author Biography

Esther Pineda G, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Socióloga (2010), Magister Scientiarum en Estudios de la Mujer (2013), Doctora en Ciencias Sociales (2015) y Postdoctora en Ciencias Sociales egresada de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Pineda G, E. . (2021). Anti-Black Racism in Latin America. Social Conflict Yearbook, (12), e–36160.



Section II: Structures, Processes and Conditions for Conflict