Balance and status of the protective judicialization in response to state violence against Mapuche children 2020


  • Cristopher Corvalán Centro de Investigación y Defensa Sur CIDSUR
  • Claudia Molina Centro de Investigación y Defensa Sur CIDSUR
  • Pamela Nahuelcheo Centro de Investigación y Defensa Sur CIDSUR
  • Sebastián Saavedra Centro de Investigación y Defensa Sur CIDSUR
  • Ruth Vargas Centro de Investigación y Defensa Sur CIDSUR



mapuche childhood, violation of children rights, criminalization, protectitve judicialization, Alex Lemun


The article deals with the situation of Mapuche children in the context of state violence during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, and in particular how situations of violation of their rights have been dealt with legally. It is proposed to focus on three areas of law (constitutional, criminal and family action) in which emancipatory legal strategies that seek to repair, ensure or expand the areas of protection of the rights of Mapuche children take place. Based on the experience of the interdisciplinary team of the “Centro de Investigación y Defensa Sur” (Research and defence for the South Centre)* it is demonstrated through case studies that although in the field of constitutional action for rapid processing it has been possible to grant guarantees of non-repetition, even promoting reparation, and in the criminal sphere, there were substantive advances in particular in emblematic cases, the situation in the family courts is more unequal since protective actions have been more limited


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How to Cite

Corvalán, C. ., Molina, C., Nahuelcheo, P., Saavedra, S. ., & Vargas, R. . (2021). Balance and status of the protective judicialization in response to state violence against Mapuche children 2020. Social Conflict Yearbook, (12), e–36974.



Yearbook of Social Conflict in Mapuche Territory 2020. Articles