Tiresias was blind as well as clairvoyant: ¿Could he had foreseen what hapenned in 2020?


  • Tito Tricot Universidad Alberto Hurtado



internal enemy, counter-power, autonomy, plurinationality, reserved indigenous seats


The text seeks to reflect upon certain key events which, at the same time, constitute an expression of profound problems that affect current Chilean-Mapuche relationships. Most specifically, we will refer to the systematic repression that has fallen upon the Wallmapu; the Architecture of Power and Counter-Power that has emerged within this context. Also, the different strategies adopted by the Autonomist Mapuche Movement, linking the concepts and praxis of autonomy, self-determination and plurinationality. Finally, related with the above, we will briefly analyze the Constitutional Convention, particularly regarding the Reserved Seats for Indigenous Peoples. As in any watercolour, the text does not pretend to be painted in depth


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How to Cite

Tricot, T. (2021). Tiresias was blind as well as clairvoyant: ¿Could he had foreseen what hapenned in 2020?. Social Conflict Yearbook, (12), e–37731.



Yearbook of Social Conflict in Mapuche Territory 2020. Articles