Feminist collective action and its repertoires: of streets and hashtags.

A review of the literature.


  • Cecilia Moreno University of Barcelona
  • Anna Villarroya Planas Universitat de Barcelona
  • Nuria Vergés Bosch Universitat de Barcelona




women’s collective action, repertoires, systematic literature review, digital activism


This article presents a review of the literature on the collective actions and repertoires of contention of feminist movements. The objective is to identify the state of the art and to reflect on the possibilities that these analytical categories offer the study of the different expressions of the feminist movement in the contemporary context. To this end, a systematic review has been conducted of articles published between 1994 and 2020 on the repertoires of contention of feminist organizations in the Web of Science database. Based on a final selection of 63 articles, the main findings of the research include the rise of transnationalization and cross-border alliances of feminist activists; the significance of feminisms of the Global South in new repertoires of collective action; the importance of feminist activism in digital spaces; and the incorporation of feminist epistemology into the study of this phenomenon, giving rise to methodologies that privilege the testimonies of activists.


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How to Cite

Moreno, C., Villarroya Planas, A., & Vergés Bosch, N. (2022). Feminist collective action and its repertoires: of streets and hashtags.: A review of the literature. Social Conflict Yearbook, (13), e–39324. https://doi.org/10.1344/ACS2022.13.1



Section II: Structures, Processes and Conditions for Conflict