Chile’s Constitutional Convention and the participation of the parliamentary seats reserved for Mapuche representatives


  • Vitor Tricot Salomón Universitat de Girona
  • German Bidegain Universidad de la República, Uruguay
  • Fernando Pairican Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



constitutional convention, indigenous peoples, Movimiento estudiantil chileno, mapuche representation


The constituent process started in 2021 in Chile was an unprecedented historical landmark. Among other novelties, the presence of parliamentary seats reserved for representatives of the indigenous peoples must be highlighted. Given the historic character of the Constitutional Convention, this article will focus on analysing the participation of the Mapuche representatives in such a context. This is particularly relevant, not only because of the historic significance of this new reality for the representation of the Mapuche people in the country’s institutions, but also because of the qualitative transformations that were to be implemented and their implications for the indigenous peoples. This article is based on previously gathered insights, as well as on the monitoring of the Mapuche’s institutional political participations, on the direct experience of one of its authors as advisor of one of the reserved seats, and on interviews with qualified informants.


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How to Cite

Tricot, V., Bidegain, G., & Pairican, F. (2022). Chile’s Constitutional Convention and the participation of the parliamentary seats reserved for Mapuche representatives. Social Conflict Yearbook, (13), e–40719.



Yearbook of Social Conflict in Mapuche Territory 2020