Militarized Police in Chile: Keys for understanding Police State Violence regarding the Mapuche Conflict


  • Alejandra Luneke Reyes Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Helene Risør Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Wladimir Martínez Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile



Violence, Police, Conflict, Mapuche


The decision to militarize the Chilean region of Araucania, i.e., to summon the armed forces to police the area, has given rise to a wide political debate, as well as to the escalation of violence in the region. The point is that, as several studies show, the explanation of the so-called “Mapuche conflict” and of violence (both state violence and that exerted by radicalized groups) has focused on the political deficits of the adopted solutions, as opposed to the Chilean state’s criminalization of responses. A difficult aspect that has not been sufficiently problematized is that of the institutional structure and military character of the Carabineros (special police force). In this paper, we state that policing is carried by an institution of military tradition and this inheritance makes it difficult to achieve a protective relationship with the citizenry, as well as a solution to the conflict from an intercultural perspective.



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How to Cite

Luneke Reyes, A., Risør, H., & Martínez, W. (2022). Militarized Police in Chile: Keys for understanding Police State Violence regarding the Mapuche Conflict. Social Conflict Yearbook, (13), e–40763.



Yearbook of Social Conflict in Mapuche Territory 2020