The Mapuche Protest and the Extension of the State of Emergency in Wallmapu


  • Diego Gávez Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Nicolás Universidad Alberto Hurtado



Repertoire of contention, Militarization, Territory, Pandemic


This article is the analysis of the conflicts in Mapuche territory, which occurred during the year 2021, which is part of the second consecutive year of the socio-sanitary pandemic. Based on the review and study of different online newspapers, a concentration of protest was identified in the areas of Cañete and Tirúa, the rural areas of Collipulli and Ercilla, and the urban center of Temuco. Attention was drawn to the role played by the development of the Constitutional Convention and the continuity of the State of Constitutional Exception which exacerbated the presence of armed and police forces in the territory. Attention was drawn to the existing conflicts of coexistence between private individuals and neighbors, as well as between colonists and Mapuche communities in the Wallmapu.


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How to Cite

Gálvez, D., & Rojas Pedemonte, N. (2022). The Mapuche Protest and the Extension of the State of Emergency in Wallmapu. Social Conflict Yearbook, (13), e–41202.



Yearbook of Social Conflict in Mapuche Territory 2020

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