Sexual and reproductive rights: tensions and current state in Catalonia
Abortion, sexual rights, reproductive rights, due diligence, institutional violenceAbstract
The goal of this paper is, in the first place, to carry out an analysis of the present state of sexual and reproductive rights in Catalonia and in comparison with other areas through the study of the applicable laws and the current public policies to, directly or indirectly, guarantee such rights. To do so, we shall analyse the main, and most effective, tools to guarantee and protect sexual and reproductive rights, which are linked to the legal instruments used by the state in order to implement the aforementioned public policies. Secondly, we shall deal with the specific case of sexual education and voluntary interruption of pregnancy both in Catalonia and from a comparative perspective, as well as analyse in what ways the failure to comply with these rights constitutes a kind of institutionalized gender-based violence.
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