Labor Conflict in Platform Capitalism: Challenges and Opportunities for Unionism in Spain
Digital platforms, algorithms , labor, trade unions, precarityAbstract
With the proliferation of digital platform phenomena as a neoliberal mechanism for reorganizing work, not only workers and unions face a new challenge. The new forms of labor associated with these platforms and the ways of evading labor frameworks brought about by platform capitalism have led to the proliferation of new social challenges that have resulted in regulations and legal frameworks from which to address this new reality.
If we look at forms of resistance in the digital platform work sphere, we cannot limit our view to traditional union resources and forms, but rather an openness to experiences, alliances, and exploration of political opportunities that have arisen in recent years is necessary.
We must consider that the implementation of negotiation, representation, or resistance formulas in the digital platform scenario is particularly complex, as there is a combination of unfavorable factors for union action, such as the global dimension of platform companies, the inclusion of migrant workers with difficulties for traditional union action, the configuration of work organization, which generates disconnection and isolation among workers, or the usual atypical work relationships that have characterized them and have largely deepened these features of individualization and precariousness.
Here are some of the challenges that unionism faces and some of the strategies and practices that have been carried out in recent years in Spain to address these new realities in labor conflict.
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