Geographies of Mapuche protest during the first year of Boric’sgovernment




social movements, mapuche people, repertoire of contention, Geography of conflict


This paper offers an extended analysis of the conflicts taking place in Mapuche territory in 2022, during the initial year of President Gabriel Boric’s left-leaning administration. By examining various online newspapers, it was found that anti-forestry protests spread from Arauco to Cautín, with a notable focus on Malleco, while anti-colonial protests moved northward from Cautín. The paper also considers several key events, such as the preventive detention of Mapuche leader Héctor Llaitul, the plebiscite for the New Constitution, and government representatives’ visits to Mapuche areas. There are concerns about the possible intensification of a neo-extractivist model under a progressive government which is expected to address the conflict with high hopes for resolution.


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How to Cite

Gálvez, D., & Pedemonte Rojas, N. (2024). Geographies of Mapuche protest during the first year of Boric’sgovernment. Social Conflict Yearbook, (15), e–46563.



Mapuche Conflict