«Widening the limits of what is possible». Ideological change, social malaise and new political cycle in neoliberal Chile
Social unrest, Neoliberalism, Activism, Polarisation, Political cycleAbstract
Contrary to what the results of the 2022 and 2023 plebiscites suggest, most of the Chilean population continues to aim for a paradigm shift for the country. To explain such a contradiction, the article intends to analyze a series of actors and factors that have contributed to ideologically corner neoliberalism in Chile. Among others, one of the key elements for this has been the militancy and activism of multiple organizations, whose agencies have made it possible to open “the horizon of what is possible”. Likewise, they also allow us to identify the limitations and ideological restrictions of the so-called “social outbreak”. It is concluded that the South American nation might be facing a new political cycle, one characterized by contradictory political projects.
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