Books of Disquiet – In the Plural


  • Teresa Rita Lopes FCSH – Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Palabras clave:

Livro(s) do Desassosego, editor, Vicente Guedes, Barão de Teive, Bernardo Soares


In this essay, Teresa Rita Lopes defends the theory of a triple fictional authorship for Livro(s) do Desassossego, as she adds the pseudo-heteronym Baron de Teive to Vicente Guedes and Bernardo Soares, the two authors who had already signed some editions of Livro. This theory is followed by the author in her recently launched critical edition of LdD (Brasil), which provides relevant developments in the text’s setting

Cómo citar

Lopes, T. R. (2016). Books of Disquiet – In the Plural. Abriu: Estudios De Textualidad De Brasil, Galicia Y Portugal, (5), 79–93.