The divided city: the territory of informality as an affective field


  • Mónica Aubán Borrell Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya



informal city, affective field, favela-bairro, lived territoriality


The contradictory nature of informal settlements open up a space to think about the complex implications of the contemporary city. This article proposes an affective reading which will enable a reconsideration of the negative conditions that de ne the informal city, with the aim of reorienting the research of effective transformations within these territories. An approach to the case of Rio de Janeiro will allow delving into the individual-territory relationship in order to relocate the subjective dimension of the city as a key factor in the socio-spatial articulation of informality.

Como Citar

Aubán Borrell, M. (2016). The divided city: the territory of informality as an affective field. Abriu: Estudos De Textualidade Do Brasil, Galicia E Portugal, (5), 137–150.