Intellectuals ' Together ' : The ' Peronist Renewal "and the reasons of a political , doctrinal and cultural failure (1983-1989)
Intellectuals, United, Peronist Renewal, Transition to DemocracyAbstract
This article analyzes the process of self-criticism and attempted update doctrinaire - identity by a group or Peronist fraction during the transition to democracy in Argentina (1983-1989 ) . First, the text deals with the crisis of the Justicialista Party after the last military dictatorship and the emergence of the Peronist Renewal as an alternative to the traditional order of the party, after being defeated in the presidential elections of 1983. Second, and more specifically discusses the theoretical and methodological proposals of a group of supporters intellectuals grouped around the US magazine , a publication that expressed the most breakthrough ideas called Renewal , who sought unsuccessfully to modernize the political culture of a no democratic tradition.References
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