The deadly jail: homicides committed in Uruguayan prisons between 2017 and 2020
Prison, Homicide, Violence, Human RightsAbstract
This work addresses the main traits of homicides carried out in Uruguayan prisons between 2017-2020. To fulfil this research purpose, the police records of 75 victims throughout the national territory are analysed. A critical perspective is adopted with an emphasis on the Latin American expressions of the penal system, considering the violence, pain and social harm experienced in prisons reality, as well as the assessment of state responsibility according to the legal representation of the prison system. The analysis of the narrative of the records is complemented with secondary sources from the penitentiary environment, in order to grasp an adequate characterization, measurement and interpretation of the phenomenon at issue. The study allows us to maintain that lethal violence is entrenched in certain units of the prison system, revealing important coexistence problems that mainly affect young men. Additionally, a deficient official record of what happens is presented, which makes investigations in this regard difficult. The lethal prison reveals the extreme version of the suffering, deterioration and aggressions that daily threaten the human rights of persons deprived of liberty, who are under the custody and responsibility of the States. This research can be taken into account for the study of homicides in contexts of total confinement, especially in Latin America.
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