Maybe not so much water has passed under the bridge

On the judgments of the Spanish Supreme Court 622/2011 of 15 June 2011 and 704/2013 of 25 September 2013




drug trafficking, trafficking of human beings, mules, principle of non-criminalisation


The subject of this contribution are two sentences that deal with the cases of two women who act as drug couriers. Even though they might have been exploited as victims of trafficking in human beings, this issue does not arise during the procedure. Therefore, they cooperate with the authorities in order to get their sentences reduced. However, given the different results to which their aid leads, the prison time both must serve is very unalike. This treatment shows the difficulties victims of trafficking in human beings must face if they try to get the punishment that they deserve because of the offences committed during their exploitation time attenuated.


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Dossier “Migration and trafficking. Some relevant judgments”