New Late Carboniferous Heritschioidinae (Rugosa) from the Kuiu Island area and Brooks Range, Alaska


  • J. FEDOROWSKI Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University. Makow Polnych 16, PL-61-606, Poznan, Poland.
  • C.H. STEVENS Department of Geology, San Jose Unversity. San Jose, California 95192, USA.
  • E. KATVALA Department of Geology, University of Calgary. Calgary, Canada



Late Carboniferous, Colonial corals, Coral ontogeny, Kuiu Island, Brooks Range


Three new species of the genus Heritschioides, i.e., H. alaskensis sp. nov., H. kuiuensis sp. nov., and H. splendidus sp. nov., and Kekuphyllum sandoense gen. et sp. nov. from the northeastern Kuiu Island area and nearby islets, part of Alexander terrane in southeastern Alaska, and Heritschioides separatus sp. nov. from the Brooks Range, Alaska, are described and illustrated. The three new fasciculate colonial coral species from the Kuiu Island area, collected from the Moscovian Saginaw Bay Formation, are phylogenetically related to those of probable Bashkirian age in the Brooks Range in northern Alaska as shown by the presence of morphologically similar species of Heritschioides. These corals from both areas also are related to one species in the Quesnel terrane in western Canada. Kekuphyllum sandoense from the Saginaw Bay Formation of the Kuiu Island area is the only cerioid-aphroid species within the Subfamily Heritschioidinae described so far. The complete early ontogeny of a protocorallite is for the first time described here on a basis of H. kuiuensis sp. nov. and compared to the hystero-ontogeny in order to show similarities and differences in those processes.

Author Biography

J. FEDOROWSKI, Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University. Makow Polnych 16, PL-61-606, Poznan, Poland.

Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University Makow Polnych 16, PL-61-606, Poznan, Poland.


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