The oldest Liposcelididae in the Lowermost Eocene amber of the Paris Basin (Insecta: Psocoptera)
Psocoptera, Liposcelididae, Embidopsocus eocenicus n. sp., Eocene French amber, Commented listAbstract
The oldest known liposcelidid, Embidopsocus eocenicus n. sp., is described from the Lowermost Eocene amber of the Paris Basin. It has close affinities with the Nearctic and Afrotropical species E. femoralis (BADONNEL 1931) and the fossil species E. saxonicus GÜNTHER 1989 from Saxonian amber. An annotated list of fossil Liposcelididae is given. Miotroctes rousei PIERCE 1960 is considered as a Psocoptera incertae sedis n. sit.
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