New constraints on the Middle Palaeozoic to Cenozoic burial and thermal history of the Holy Cross Mts. (Central Poland): results from numerical modelling
Basin modelling, Subsidence, Heat flow, Tectonic inversion, Holy Cross MountainsAbstract
A 1-D burial-thermal modelling was performed using data from two borehole sections representative of the central part of the Holy Cross Mts. area. This area is located in the axial part of the Permian-Mesozoic Mid-Polish Trough that was inverted during the latest Cretaceous-Paleocene. The modelling involved different variants of restored stratigraphy of eroded Carboniferous to Cretaceous strata, whereas calibration was based on samples from cored Middle-Upper Devonian sediments. The modelling results are consistent with the assumption of a Variscan (Carboniferous-Early Permian) heat flow elevated up to 80 mWm-2, which is further confirmed by independent regional evidence. The zone of increased thermal maturity in the Devonian may be partly accounted for by a thicker Carboniferous section (by ca. 500 m) compared to previous estimates. Two variants of the post-Carboniferous geohistory were analysed. The variant of a thinner Permian-Mesozoic section, implying lower magnitude of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene inversion, allows more realistic assumptions regarding heat flow distribution through time, including the possibility to incorporate an elevated Variscan heat flow. The alternative scenario, assuming deeper burial, generally lower heat flow and smaller Carboniferous thickness, is regarded as less probable. The accepted variant of the Permian-Mesozoic burial history implies that the total post-Carboniferous burial in the study area was on the order of 2000-2500 metres rather than 3000-3500 metres. The respective Upper Cretaceous thickness could have been 400 to 500 m instead of ca. 1000 m, whereas the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene inversion more likely started in the Santonian than in the late Maastrichtian. Consequently, the preferred magnitude of total inversion was on the order of 2500 m.
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