About the Journal

Revista de Historia Industrial – Industrial History Review (RHI-IHR) publishes research in economic history that investigates processes of industrialization, as well as the social, economic, institutional, environmental, and demographic transformations associated with them. This includes, among others, the evolution of incomes and living standards, education and human capital, political economy, inequality, trade, and money and banking. The journal welcomes full-length articles on all world regions, contributing to existing debates and drawing attention to new lines of research. The RHI-IHR promotes methodological diversity by encouraging submissions ranging from historical macroeconomic studies to business history, using qualitative as well as statistical and cliometric analyses.  The Revista de Historia Industrial – Industrial History Review publishes manuscripts in English and Spanish in three regular issues per year as well as special issues. The RHI-IHR also contributes to the field of economic history by providing a book review section. The RHI-IHR is indexed in JCR-SSCI and SJR-Scopus, among others.

The RHI-IHR addresses specialists in the field of economic history as well as scholars interested in economics and history more broadly, including graduate students and junior researchers. The journal also aims to spread information to the wider public via its blog, "The Great Spurt", and social media.

Publication dates of the regular issues: 1st half of March, 1st half of July, 1st half of November.

Revista de Historia Industrial – Industrial History Review is included in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) / Social Sciences Citation Index / Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Scopus; INRECS; IDR; and DICE.

Articles are indexed in Econlit; Historical Abstracts; Dialnet; Latindex, and Cindoc-Isoc, among other repositories.

The speed of decision and the acceptance rate for the manuscripts submitted from the 1st of January 2020 onwards have been the following:

  • Av. no. of days from submission to the first editorial decision: 23 days (15 days since July 1, 2021)
  • Av. no. of days from submission to the first post-review decision: 98 days (91 days since July 1, 2021)
  • Av. no. of days from acceptance to the online publication:  93 days (58 days since July 1, 2021)
  • Av. no. of received manuscripts per year: 50  (46 since July 1, 2021).
  • Av. acceptance rate for publication: 35% (34% since July 1, 2021).

The usage of RHIIHR, as measured by the average no. of downloads/views from this website, has been 50 K per year in 2020-2023, distributed regionally as follows (2022-2023):

  • Europe:   41%
  • America: 41%
  • Asia:        17%
  • Africa and Oceania: 1%

(Last update: 16.07.2024)