Session proposal / Call for Papers – "Historical Perspectives on Industrial, Economic and Financial Development" Ioannina Meeting on Applied Economics and Finance-IMAEF 2022: Cephalonia (Greece), June 22-24, 2022


Session proposal / Call for Papers
"Historical Perspectives on Industrial, Economic and Financial Development," Ioannina Meeting on Applied Economics and Finance-IMAEF 2022: Cephalonia (Greece), June 22-24, 2022

The Revista de Historia Industrial-Industrial History Review (RHI-IHR) would like to invite you to submit a paper proposal for a session at the forthcoming Ioannina Meeting on Applied Economics and Finance-IMAEF 2022 (Cephalonia, Greece, June 22-24, 2022, The theme of the session is Historical Perspectives on Industrial, Economic and Financial Development. It will be organized by Gabriele Cappelli (University of Siena), Nikos Benos (University of Ioannina) and Yorgos Goletsis (University of Ioannina), who have been commissioned by the RHI-IHR to this end.

The session and the Special Issue of the RHI-IHR aim at promoting an interdisciplinary discussion across the fields of economic history and economics concerning trends in industrial, financial and economic development as well as their determinants. The session will accommodate research stemming on the historiography of industrialization, finance and banking, and long-term development, as well as contributions tackling present-day issues in economic and development policy by looking at the past and at historical and natural experiments.

Publication in a Special Issue
After a process of double-blind review, to be carried out after the Conference, five of the accepted papers will be selected for a Special Issue of the Revista de Historia Industrial-Industrial History Review edited by Gabriele Cappelli, Nikos Benos and Yorgos Goletsis, to be published in 2023. The remaining contributions, if accepted by the peer review process, can be published in regular issues of the journal.

- Applicants should submit an abstract of no more than 500 words outlining their proposal and a short CV by February 28, 2022, to Gabriele Cappelli (gabriele[dot]cappelli[at]unisi[dot]it). Please write "IMAEF 2022" in the email subject. 
- Applicants will be informed of the selection process by March 31, 2022.
- The Conference paper – or alternatively a long abstract of 2,000 words – should be sent by May 31st, 2022.
- The final version of the manuscripts for the Special Issue review process must be sent by October 31st, 2022.
- Participants to the RHI-IHR Session at IMAEF 2022 will have to follow the registration process established by the organizers of the Conference.

Call for Papers in PDF here

The Editorial Board of the Revista de Historia Industrial – Industrial History Review (RHI-IHR)