Workshop and Special Issue: "The Connected World: New Perspectives in Global Economic History"



8:50 — 9:15 Welcome and Introduction

9:15 — 12:15 Part I
Chair: Dr Alka Raman | University of Manchester

9:15–9:45 | Alison Bennett | University of Manchester
New Perspectives on the East African Ivory Trade and its Impact on Britain

9:45–10:15 | Qingrou Zhao | University of Edinburgh
Greener on the other side? The motivations of Chinese migration into the Shanghai International Settlement, 1885-1935

10:15 — 10:45 Coffee break

10:45–11:15 | Alexander Appleton | University of East Anglia and Science and Industry Museum
Consumer Knowledge and Merchant Networks in the Rise of the British Textile Trade between 1820 and 1840, The Story of Langworthy Brothers and Co

11:15–11:45 | Aditi Dixit | Wageningen University
Raw Cotton Markets, Industrial Strategies, and Trade Organisation in India and Japan, ca. 1850-1940

11:45–12:15 | Kimberley Thomas | University of Manchester
From slavery to freedom: land, labour, and technological change on the saltpans of the British Caribbean

12:15 — 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 — 17:00 Part II
Chair: Dr Edmond Smith | University of Manchester

14:00–14:30 | Cristian Ducoing | Public University of Navarre and Lund University
Commodity prices 1700-2020: a new database

14:30-15:00 | Jesus Bohorquez | Institute for Contemporary History at  Universidade Nova de Lisboa
An island laden with furnaces and an army of enslaved workers: Industrialization, value-creation, and rent distribution in the Caribbean sugar industry (1780-1850)

15:00-15:30 | Sahin Yesilyurt | Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University | Visiting Scholar, University of Cambridge
Determining Factors of Social Expenditures in the Ottoman State: An Analysis of Needy Salaries

15:30 — 16:00 Coffee break

16:00-16:30| Angel Muniz-Mejuto | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
The Economic Lifeline: Spanish Emigrant Remittances and their Impact on Public Finances, 1870-1936

16:30-17:00 | Laura de la Villa Aleman | Generalitat de Catalunya, Girona
Reshaping Global Finance: International Debt Relief and International Economic Diplomacy in the aftermath of the Great Depression

17:00 — 17:15 Closing remarks

Organising Committee: Alka Raman (University of Manchester), workshop coordinator & special issue guest editor, with the collaboration of Edmond Smith (University of Manchester), Gabriele Cappelli (University of Siena and RHI―IHR), Ramon Ramon-Muñoz (University of Barcelona and RHI―IHR), The University of Manchester, and The Science Museum (London).

Scientific Committee: Alka Raman (University of Manchester), Ramon Ramon-Muñoz (University of Barcelona and RHI―IHR), and Gabriele Cappelli (University of Siena and RHI―IHR).

See the programme in pdf here