New Issue, vol. 33, no. 91


Dear Colleagues and Subscribers,

We are delighted to announce that the latest issue of Revista de Historia Industrial-Industrial History Review (Vol. 33, No. 91, July 2024) is already out.

The current issue explores guilds, collective action, and social capital through a case study in the 18th-century Northern Iberian region of Navarre; recycling and reusing during wartime, focusing on the Spanish Civil War; and business strategies for internationalisation, wages, and the labour market under dictatorships, specifically during the Franco regime in Spain (

Founded in 1992, Revista de Historia Industrial – Industrial History Review (RHI-IHR) is a pioneering journal indexed in the most prestigious international databases. It promotes historical research into the processes of industrialization and the social, economic, institutional, environmental, and demographic transformations associated with them. With a global scope and an inclination toward methodological diversity, RHI-IHR publishes original papers in English and Spanish in three regular issues each year.

Kind regards,

The Editorial Board of RHI-IHR

Revista de Historia Industrial-Industrial History Review
Vol. 33 No. 91 (July 2024)

One guild, two merchants, and common property. A social capital crisis in textile manufacturing during the 18th century, by José-Miguel Lana Berasain

“To recycle is to win!” The recovery of materials for war industry and institutional responses in Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, by Fernando Largo Jiménez

Internationalising Spanish Firms to the East: Business Strategies of the National Institute of Industry towards the Soviet Union (late 1950s to 1991), by Irina Yanyshev-Nesterova

Wage dynamics during the technocratic stage of Francoism (1957–1973), by Luis Cárdenas del Rey

Economic repression through the labour market: job placement agencies, “preferential” workers and unemployment in Spain during the Civil War and early Francoism, by Belén Moreno Claverías, Patricia Suárez

Gray, Patrick, Joshua Hall, Ruth Wallis Herndon, and Javier Silvestre (eds.). 2022. Standard of Living. Essays on Economics, History, and Religion in Honor of John E. Murray. Cham: Springer, 482 pp.,  by Matthew Purcell

García Ruiz, José Luis, y Michelangelo Vasta (eds.). 2023. Bank-Industry vs. Stock Market-Industry Relationships. Abingdon: Routledge, 144 pp., by Joaquim Cuevas

Barry, Frank, 2023. Industry & Policy in Independent Ireland, 1922–1972. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 256 pp., by Eoin McLaughlin

Medina-Ruiz, Israel-David, Antonio Jesús Pinto Tortosa, Rafael Ripoll Ravina y Nuria Rodríguez Martín (eds.). 2022. Los ingenieros en la Europa del Sur (siglos XVIII-XIX). Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 390 pp., by Patricia Suárez

Martykánová, Darina. 2023. Los ingenieros en España. El nacimiento de una élite. Bilbao: Universidad de País Vasco, 344 pp., by Irina Yányshev-Nésterov