Credit and industry in the Peronist period, 1944-1955


  • Marcelo Rougier Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET


Industria, Crédito, Peronismo, Argentina


During the Peronist experience of 1946-1955 the industrial sector was promoted through different instruments among which the credit policy stood out. In special the Banco de Crédito Industrial, an organization created shortly before by the military revolution of June of 1943, was used. This work studies this institution, with the definitions of economic policy that the Peronism had in its initial stages, characterized by the impulse of practically all the manufacturing activities; and in the denominated stage of “course change” (from 1949 to 1955), when the restrictions in the external sector promoted support to the farming activities and defined a credit policy towards the more selective industrial sector. Specially, the work indicates the limits of Peronist industrialization when emphasizing how the great companies were the main beneficiaries by the credit policy of the government in response to the demand and not to clear strategies of supply.


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How to Cite

Rougier, Marcelo. 2017. “Credit and Industry in the Peronist Period, 1944-1955”. Revista De Historia Industrial — Industrial History Review 16 (35):79-113.


