Innovation and cooperation: the internationalization of the Basque electronics and ICT cluster`s firms (c. 19702-2008)


  • Jesús María Valdaliso Gago Universidad del País Vasco


Clusters, Competitiveness, Internationalization, Small and Medium Enterprises, Spain


The aim of this paper is to analyse the internationalisation process of the firms belonging to the electronics and ICT cluster of the Basque Country. This descriptive, exploratory and partially explanatory study aims at offering new empirical evidence on new high tech industries to the existing internationalization theories. It also aims to examine the relationship between fírms' affiliation to a cluster-association and their internationalisation process. Our case study, which employs a qualitative methodology and a longitudinal (historical) analysis, is conducted at two levels: that of the clusterassociation, and that of a sample often companies selected deliberately (analytic-conceptual sample) and not randomly (statistical sample). The evidence collected from this case study seems to corroborate the theoretical propositions that stress the relevance ofthe firm's base ofresources and capabilities and the positive effects of inter-firm cooperation and networking on internationalization.


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How to Cite

Valdaliso Gago, Jesús María. 2017. “Innovation and Cooperation: The Internationalization of the Basque Electronics and ICT cluster`s Firms (c. 19702-2008)”. Revista De Historia Industrial — Industrial History Review 19 (43):163-91.


