Origins, development and structural limits of the paper industry in Argentina, 1880-1940


  • Silvia Badoza CONICET-PEHESA, Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani
  • Claudio Bellini CONICET-PEHESA-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani


Industrialization, Paper Industry, Protectionism, Argentina


This paper aims at analyzing the origins and development of the Argentine paper industry
in a context of changes in technology and production processes worldwide. We explore the period of time between 1880 and the 1940’s. We analyze the factors that stimulated industrial implantation and modeled the structure of the sector, focusing on company strategies in changing macro-economic environments. We pay special attention to concentration processes like those
that gave birth to La Papelera Argentina S.A. and, in the 1930’s, to Celulosa Argentina, a company that would lead the sector for decades.




How to Cite

Badoza, Silvia, and Claudio Bellini. 2018. “Origins, Development and Structural Limits of the Paper Industry in Argentina, 1880-1940”. Revista De Historia Industrial — Industrial History Review 22 (53):109-41.