Bonanza and tempest of two mining companies in the state of Jalisco, Mexico, 1900-1940


  • Carlos René de León Meza
  • Patricia Gutiérrez Moreno


Mining, Company, Workers, Strike


This article studies the history of two American Mining Companies that established in the State of Jalisco during the first third part of the xx century. It analyzes the circumstances that favored its exploitation precisely during the years that Mexico was going through important economic and political problems that had submerged the mining centers into a deep crisis. The article then examines how this favorable situation then transformed into a tempest not because of the exhaustion of minerals, but the conflict that had been growing between local and federal authorities that were fighting for better working conditions for the miners, this issue instead of solving anything, only brought forth a long and aggravating struggle between workers and entrepreneurs that forced these last ones to close their mines for good.


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How to Cite

René de León Meza, Carlos, and Patricia Gutiérrez Moreno. 2015. “Bonanza and Tempest of Two Mining Companies in the State of Jalisco, Mexico, 1900-1940”. Revista De Historia Industrial — Industrial History Review 24 (57):111-38.


