Financial profitability of the Railway Company of Zaragoza to Pamplona: a Ponzi scheme
Railways, Spain, grants, Ponzi shcemeAbstract
In the construction of the railway network in Spain, the participation of foreign private capital was notable; but also there was very generous public funding, over which there was very little accounting control. This paper analyses the diverse sources of financing of one of the leading Spanish companies, the Railway Company of Zaragoza to Pamplona (FZP), during its brief existence as an independent company from 1860 to 1865. The two main conclusions are that the State’s contribution to the construction of the railway was more significant than that of the shareholders themselves, but that it did not reach the company because that money was stolen. The second conclusion is that, in reality, the company was, for its profitability, run as a Ponzi scheme: a pure scam.
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