Technological and corporate innovation in Spanish specialised metallurgy: the case of Rivière (1860–1924)
Rivière, Technological innovation, Corporate innovation, specialised metallurgyAbstract
Metallurgy is, along with textiles, the leading industry of the first industrial revolution in Spain, a feature highlighted in the literature from very early on. One of its sub-sectors, that of metal transformation, has received very special attention from researchers. However, certain gaps still persist in some branches, particularly those relating to various factors of the production system at the factory level, such as capital (equipment and energy), labour, and corporate structure. Herein lies the main motivation for this research, which addresses the reasons behind the success of medium-sized companies in specialised metallurgy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, using a case study methodology, primary sources, a long-term perspective and a comparative procedure. The text comprises three main sections, covering the formation of the Rivière company, the production system of this company, and its organisational innovations.
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