One guild, two merchants, and common property. A social capital crisis in textile manufacturing during the 18th century




Estella-Lizarra, guild, factory, social capital, commercial capital, textile manufacturing


A case study of the wool carders’ guild in Estella-Lizarra (Navarre) from the 16th to 19th centuries questions prevalent opinions among historians, which have tended to define these collective action institutions as monopolies. This study complements the traditional “outside-in” approach that considers the guild to be a monolithic agent, adopting an inside perspective that reveals tensions between collective and individual interests. The research focuses on the collective management of common properties (fulling-mill and dyeing house) until their disappearance in 1758, and guild relations with commercial capital in the form of a major financial sponsor and a new factory. Difficulties associated with the guild’s financial management and the loss of its social capital lay at the heart of its troubles


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How to Cite

Lana Berasain, José-Miguel. 2024. “One Guild, Two Merchants, and Common Property. A Social Capital Crisis in Textile Manufacturing During the 18th Century”. Revista De Historia Industrial — Industrial History Review 33 (91):11-41.


