Firms’ takeover in War Times: The incorporation of the Tenerife Island Telephone Network to CTNE in 1938
firms' acquisition, service sector, National Telephone Company of Spain (CTNE), Spanish Civil War, Canary IslandsAbstract
This paper studies the causes, conditions, and consequences of the process of absorption of the insular telephone network of the Cabildo de Tenerife (RTIT by its Spanish acronym) by the National Telephone Company of Spain (CTNE) in 1938. This process, which was presented as a friendly purchase beneficial to both parties, was actually strongly influenced by the special circumstances of the Civil War. The conditions that contributed to this decision are analysed, such as the financial situation of the Cabildo, the disciplinary processes suffered by the personnel considered disaffected by the military regime, or the situation of the company's management. The efforts made by CTNE to incorporate this network are also analyzed, as well as its consequences for both entities, particularly for the insular institution, which suffered a significant decrease in its revenues.
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