Social Network Analysis: Not Merely a Visualisation Tool? Insights from the Study of Business Networks and Groups in Biscay, 1879-1913
Social Network Analysis, business groups, Biscay, 19th and 20th centuriesAbstract
This paper introduces a scientific meta-experiment that aims to explore, by means of Social Network Analysis (SNA), a database previously worked with a traditional qualitative analysis (Valdaliso, 1988 and 1993). The sample is made up of more than 500 incorporated companies registered in Vizcaya between 1879 and 1913, which represent 30 per cent of the number and more than 90 per cent of the total capital of the companies created in that province between those dates. Although the use of SNA does not show substantially different results in the representation of the main business groups, it does provide numerous and very notable advantages, especially related to a better visualisation of the networks. However, the new methodology also poses some problems, especially when interpreting large networks. Moreover, beyond graphical and statistical techniques, qualitative information is essential for a correct understanding of the networks.
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