Residential energy consumption in Spain during the 1960s. Butane and the precariousness of developmentalism
Energy Transition, LPG, SPAIN, DevelopmentalismAbstract
This article illustrates a key episode in the energy transition from traditional to fossil energies, a pattern often observed in developing nations. It examines the sharp rise in Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) consumption for domestic use in Spain during the 1960s, with a focus on regional disparities. While the Franco regime actively promoted LPG use through the firm Butano SA, regional differences cannot be fully explained by variations in climate or industrial structures. To explore this, the study analyses LPG consumption alongside other substitute energy sources for calorific uses (firewood, coal, city gas) and complementary energy sources for lighting (electricity). The factors driving the adoption of these energy sources are then assessed. The findings highlight the complexity of Spain’s household energy transition and confirm significant disparities in energy access between rural and urban areas. A novel argument is introduced: LPG became closely associated with large Spanish cities and their metropolitan areas, where precarious housing conditions played a pivotal role in driving its widespread adoption.
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