Mind the Gap: How Media in Colombia Shapes the Gender Divide
Gender bias, Migration, Digital media, text mining, discrimination, newspapersAbstract
In this paper, we analyze the content of press articles to identify gender biases in the language used by the digital media in Colombia. We employ modern text mining techniques to collect and analyze newspaper publications that mention gender-related keywords and study them in detail. We also address gender biases towards migrants by analyzing news articles related to Venezuelan immigrants using a gender approach. Our findings indicate that newspapers refer to women using words related to their role as caregivers, while using words related to insecurity and crime when discussing men. Although positive terms and feelings are common when referring to both genders, negative ones are more frequently used when mentioning males, often focusing on aggressive behavior and police arrests. Articles about Venezuelan migrants focus on their migratory process, welfare, and labor conditions. However, we find gender biases. Pieces about women migrants frequently discuss poverty and sexuality, while those about men focus on illegality. Our study highlights the need to pay more attention to gender biases in the media, particularly regarding migrant populations.
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