Business Networks and Social Capital in Basque Industrialization (1886–1925)


  • Elena Catalán Martínez University of the Basque Country
  • Igor Goñi Mendizabal University of the Basque Country
  • Isabel Mugartegui Eguía University of the Basque Country


Paraules clau:

Business History, Business networks, Social Capital, Industrialization, Arms Industry


The aim of this article is to analyse the potential role that social capital played in the industrialization of the Basque Country. The province of Gipuzkoa, together with the neighbouring Bizkaia (Biscay), was one of the most dynamic provinces in Spain in terms of the creation of companies. Using information obtained from the registration of new companies in the Mercantile Register, and through social network analysis, we try to measure the importance that social capital may have had in this process. The methodology is tested with the case study of the arms industry in Eibar, one of the most important sectors in the region.



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Biografies de l'autor/a

Elena Catalán Martínez, University of the Basque Country

School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Economic History and Institutions

Igor Goñi Mendizabal, University of the Basque Country

School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Economic History and Institutions

Isabel Mugartegui Eguía, University of the Basque Country

School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Economic History and Institutions


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Com citar

Catalán Martínez, Elena, Igor Goñi Mendizabal, and Isabel Mugartegui Eguía. 2017. “Business Networks and Social Capital in Basque Industrialization (1886–1925)”. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 2 (1):88-127.


