Entrepreneurial Dynamics and Institutional Changes


  • Esther Hormiga Universitat de Barcelona
  • Li Xiao Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University
  • David Smallbone Kingston Business School, Kingston University



Paraules clau:

Entrepreneurial dynamics, Institutional changes, Processes, Entrepreneurship


Contemporary literature has paid considerable attention to the relationships between formal and informal institutions and early stage firms’ behaviours in different institutional settings in recent years. Given a constantly changing business environment in which companies are operating, there is a need to continuously study how they deal with new challenges and how they achieve new goals. It is essential for not only nascent but also experienced entrepreneurs to discover new dynamics in order to stay at a competitive level. This special issue of Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business aims to explore the role of dynamics that interact with institutional changes in surviving and growing ventures. We present the nine articles with a variety of studied contexts, which shed some light on how companies or organisations keep up with institutional changes at both macro and micro level, by actively transforming business practices and entrepreneurial processes.


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Biografia de l'autor/a

Esther Hormiga, Universitat de Barcelona

Esther Hormiga, PhD in Economics and Business Science, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University. Associate Professor of Business and Entrepreneurship at the UB. Research interests: Entrepreneurship, new venture's success, intellectual capital


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Com citar

Hormiga, Esther, Li Xiao, and David Smallbone. 2018. “Entrepreneurial Dynamics and Institutional Changes”. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 3 (1):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1344/jesb2018.1.j035.