The Chinese Project “One Belt One Road” Toward Latin America and the Caribbean. Economic-financial implications


  • Ruvislei González-Sáez Research Center of International Policy (CIPI) and Havana University


Palabras clave:

Belt and Road Initiative, China, Geostrategy, Latin America and Caribbean, Integration


In September 2013, the president of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping presented in Kazakhstan the idea of the great project Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Two years later Beijing made official the megaproject with the institutionalization of six corridors and its two slopes, the Economic Belt of the Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century. In its initial projection the connection of Asia with Europe, crossing the Middle East and involving Africa was proposed. However, starting in 2016, the extension to Latin America and the Caribbean is being projected, through the development of a series of economic-financial projects. The article uses primary and secondary sources, and a narrative style, to argue that BRI is more than an infrastructure and economic initiative. The major objective of the study is to determine and highlight the relevance of economic-financial dimensions, without downplaying the obvious political implications.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ruvislei González-Sáez, Research Center of International Policy (CIPI) and Havana University

Chief of Asia and Oceania Team, Member of the Scientific Council of the CIPI and professor of the Havana University


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Cómo citar

González-Sáez, Ruvislei. 2019. «The Chinese Project “One Belt One Road” Toward Latin America and the Caribbean. Economic-Financial Implications». Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 4 (2):108-31.