The Study of the Entrepreneur’s Values and Knowledge: Influence in Growth Expectations


  • Alejandro Campos University of Guadalajara, Mexico



Knowledge, Values, New-technology Venture, Growth Expectations, Entrepreneurship


This study examines how entrepreneur’s values and knowledge can influence growth expectations in new technology-ventures. The study analyses six Spanish cases with different level of growth expectations in their first years and with different characteristics in the entrepreneurial team. Our research reveals that entrepreneur’s knowledge is not a factor that helps to differentiate the level of growth in this specific sector. However, we found certain values present in those new ventures with a higher growth expectations, mainly independence and wealth. The values that were not related are the need of exploitation and security. Finally, we draw a model to understand the relationship between entrepreneur’s values and knowledge and their impact on new technology venture growth expectations.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Campos, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Full Time Researcher, University of Guadalajara


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How to Cite

Campos, Alejandro. 2017. 《The Study of the Entrepreneur’s Values and Knowledge: Influence in Growth Expectations》. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 2 (1):29-65.

