Identifying Links between Corporate Social Responsibility and Reputation: Some Considerations for Family Firms
CSR, Reputation, Review of the literature, Family Firms摘要
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a key issue for both academics and business practitioners alike. There are numerous reasons why implementing CSR policies and practices are advantageous: enhanced brand knowledge, market share, productivity, efficiency, workforce motivation and competiveness, to name a few. There are also indications that CSR practices lead to a solid, positive corporate reputation. As a result, this research aims to contribute to current literature by establishing the current state of CSR research and identifying the theoretical framework of reference for understanding the link between CSR and reputation, providing a basis for future research. We also aim to delve deeper in the specific context of family firms.
To this end—following consultations with a panel of internationally recognized scholars—a selection of leading management, marketing and ethics, corporate governance and family firm management journals were reviewed. The results—based on a content analysis of 55 articles considering the global link between RSC and reputation—allowed us to identify, among others, topics related to consumer attitude and market response to CSR activities (via brand value), along with the impact of CSR on financial value and risk management.
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