The cadastral Atlas of Llivia (Catalonia) of 1849


  • Francesc 1958- Nadal


history of Catalan and Spanish cadastral cartography, history of Pyrenean cartography, historical geography of the Pyrenees


Llívia is a little Catalan municipality with only 13 square kilometers of surface, placed in the hearth of the eastern Pyrenees. As consequence of the Llívia's Treatise of 1660 remained as a Spanish nailing into French territory. This geopolitical singularity made that since the beginning of eighteenth century were produced boundary problems and fiscal conflicts. In 1849 the borough council of Llívia decided to solve the question of the Land Tax stablished by the Spanish fiscal authorities in 1845 making up a cadastral atlas of her municipality. The atlas was made by the land surveyors Jaume Padret and Agustí Puigvert, following the pattern of the French cadaster. This cartographical document was the first municipal cadastral atlas well-known of Catalonia, that contain a geographical information on the landscape of the Catalan Pyrenees in the middle of nineteenth century.

