New renewable energy sources for a sustainable future. Expensive oil or environment care?


  • Mercedes Arroyo Huguet


energy crisis, peak oil, primary sources, environment


Incessantly, the mass media are warning about the increase of CO2 emissions, directly responsible of the “greenhouse effect”. Many people think that the greenhouse effect can menace our civilization. It is well known that the process of extraction of fossils energy sources –especially oil, gas and coal- is not guaranteed. According some previsions, the fields can be exhausted in few years. In front of this situation, new possibilities are searching, specially, the use of several clean energy sources -but, overall, renewable- as the Aeolian energy, the solar or the energy of hides. In our intervention we reflect about the need of renewable energy sources and its relation with the peak of world oil production; and related with these questions, about the possibilities of a real change in the supply and consumption of a new range of energy sources, cleaner and respectful for the environment.

