The fear of other one and the use of the space: the crime discourse and the conflict in the city of Lerida


  • Gabriela Rodríguez Fernández


speech, imaginary, fear, ghetto


This article shows the first results of two researches on the civil speeches concerning the phenomena of the conflict and the crime in an intermediate city (Lerida) of the center of Catalonia (Spain). The text explores the points on which the generated face-to-face speeches centre, the type of justifications that are offered for the own perceptions of the safety / insecurity, and how the figure of "other one" is a central part of the imaginary one of the fear, in a context perceived as relatively surely. Finally, it comes closer how the idea of the ghetto is a part(report) of this imaginary one of the fear, and proposes an analysis not reificador of the managing that is done of such a concept.

